Category Archives: Soft Leaf Buffalo Grass

Turf varieties for Subtropical regions


Zoysia grasses are quickly gaining popularity in Queensland and subtropical regions.

Their drought and humidity tolerance makes them an excellent choice, but one of the things that makes Zoysia stand above the rest is that it is more resistant to pests and diseases and best of all it is lower maintenance in these climates, they are slower growing and therefore less mowing is required.

Click Here for more information

The Soft Leaf Buffalo Turf Grass Review Site | Best Buffalo Grass Types….Cutting through the Hype!

Many Soft Leaf Buffalo turf grasses can look very similar, but each name indicates a slight difference in the breeding and the features of the turf.

What it all boils down to is that Australian’s need to cut through the hype of catchphrases and publicity and select a Buffalo turf grass or even another grass type that will best suit their requirements.

Click Here to find out more information on which are the leading turf grasses for shade tolerance, wear tolerance and much more


The Soft Leaf Buffalo Turf Grass Review Site | Easy Soft Leaf Buffalo Lawn Weed and Pest Control

A lot of the time the best products to use on your lawn for weed and pest control are only sold in larger commercial quantities making them very expensive and not really cost effective for the average home owner. So you need to ask yourself, is it really worth purchasing these chemicals for an average size home lawn? The answer would be no, it would be far cheaper and much easier to have a lawn care professional come in and take care of this for you. For more information on weeds, pests and the products used to eliminate them Click Here

Important…Read this article before buying a new Buffalo Lawn

Thatch is one of the most important things to take into consideration when buying a Buffalo turf grass. The old-style Buffalo turf grass from the 1970’s would thatch badly, causing maintenance difficulties. Over the past decade people have been able to enjoy the benefits of three stand out low thatch Buffalo turf grasses. To find out more about these three turf grasses and the complications that thatch can cause Click Here

Cutting through the hype…We look at the best buffalo lawn types

Australian’s need to cut through the hype of grass company publicity and select the best grass type to suit their home lawn requirements; Buffalo or other. Here we have a more in depth look at 3 of Australia’s top selling Soft Leaf Buffalo lawn grass varieties.

Click Here for more information

Getting the right lawn for your home

With so many different varieties of turf available today, how do you know which is the right one for your home? Buffalo grass is one of the best lawn varieties available, but is it right for your lawn?

Firstly you will need to determine the requirements for your lawn and make your decision from there.

Click Here for more information on getting the right lawn for your home

What Makes a True Soft Leaf Buffalo Grass? – Microscopic Buffalo Grass Photos

By Katrina Layt

This is what the tip of an old style scratchy Buffalo grass leaf looks like. These barbs you can see are what give you that scratchy feel on the old style Buffalo. What we can learn from these photos is that certain Buffalo types may not be as soft as they claim.

What Makes Buffalo Grass So scratchy

With real soft leaf Buffalo grass, the tip of the leaf shouldn’t be similar to this old scratchy Buffalo.

WHy is Buffalo Grass So Scratchy?

One new Australian variety (pictured above) claims to be “soft leaf” when in reality it is just as bad as the old style.

What makes all the difference (and the reason these barbs are much more irritating than soft leaf Buffalo) is the arrangement of the barbs. As you can see (above) they’re staggered like sharks teeth, unlike soft leaf Buffalo whose barbs are more flattened and in line.

Even halfway down the leaf you can still see the scratchy barbs on these two varieties, (Below) although they aren’t as severe.

Why is Buffalo Grass Sharp?

How come Buffalo Grass is Scratchy

A true soft leaf Buffalo looks like the two varieties (below), Sapphire and Palmetto. The tip of the leaf still has some barbs, although they are much smaller and aren’t staggered.

Sapphire Buffalo Turf

Sapphire Buffalo – Top of leaf (Above)

Palmetto Buffalo Grass

Palmetto Buffalo Top of leaf (Above)

Halfway down the leaf there are no barbs at all! This is what makes a true soft leaf Buffalo.

Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo

Sapphire Buffalo – half way down the leaf (Above)

Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo

Palmetto Buffalo – half way down the leaf (Above)

You won’t need to find a microscopic photographer to test out each grass that claims to be a soft leaf Buffalo (unless you want some more evidence). You can simply feel the difference by going to your local turf farm and looking at their sample plots.

Don’t just take our word for it, or anyone else’s for that matter. Test it out yourself by feeling the turf.

Click here for more info on Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo Grass

Click here for more info on Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo Grass