Category Archives: Zoysia Nara

Turf varieties for Subtropical regions


Zoysia grasses are quickly gaining popularity in Queensland and subtropical regions.

Their drought and humidity tolerance makes them an excellent choice, but one of the things that makes Zoysia stand above the rest is that it is more resistant to pests and diseases and best of all it is lower maintenance in these climates, they are slower growing and therefore less mowing is required.

Click Here for more information

How to have the best looking lawn on the street


Drought and other factors can play a big part in how good or bad your lawn looks. But to keep your lawn looking great may be easier than you think, consistent and regular care is the secret. The question of where to start always comes up, this article will help you answer this and many other questions.

Click Here to find out how to keep your lawn looking great.

Nara™ Native Turf – Doing extremely well in the US

Nara™ Zoysia, an Australian Native Turf, is doing tremendously well in the USA, making real waves in the Southern US. Nara™ Zoysia is Australia’s first all-purpose native turf, that is low maintenance and easy to establish and is ideal for domestic, commercial and coastal plantings. Many people have a natural tendency to prefer native plants, now those same people can enjoy a native lawn.

Click Here to keep reading

Using Turf for Erosion Control

Turf has proven to be the safest and most reliable method of achieving full green life coverage on erodible surfaces, one barrier in using turf was the maintenance costs, but not anymore, enter the Zoysia revolution…

Click Here to find out more…

Getting the right lawn for your home

With so many different varieties of turf available today, how do you know which is the right one for your home? Buffalo grass is one of the best lawn varieties available, but is it right for your lawn?

Firstly you will need to determine the requirements for your lawn and make your decision from there.

Click Here for more information on getting the right lawn for your home

Dense Fence™ Viburnum is a dense screening hedge with Subtle red new growth foliage

Dense Fence™ Viburnum is a dense screening hedge with redish new growth

Dense Fence™ Viburnum odoratissimum 'VOC1' PBR

Dense Fence™ Viburnum odoratissimum ‘VOC1’ PBR

  • Forms a dense screening hedge quickly
  • Less pruning than the common form
  • Subtle red new growth foliage

Description: The Dense Fence™ plant is a Sweet Viburnum, as it is commonly known, and is highly suited for a privacy screen. Finer leaves, higher density, shorter inter-nodes and reddish new growth is what sets Dense Fence™ Viburnum apart from the common form…read more


Further Evidence Nara™ Native Turf Is Best For Erosion Control

Further Evidence Nara™ Native Turf Is Best For Erosion Control 

Click here for more info on Nara™ Native Turf 

P.S. We recommend not throwing turf rolls around like this 🙂


Biodegradable Staples Holding Capacity for Nara™ Native Turf Compared to Couch

Biodegradable Staples Holding Capacity for Nara™ Native   Turf Compared to Couch

Nara Native Turf Best For Erosion Control


Turf in recent research has proven to be one of the best erosion control products, testing far better than silt fences, coir logs and erosion socks for both erosion and silt containment. Established turf by itself can easily handle 1.5 metres per second flows. Well established turf has been shown to handle flows of 2.5 to 3 metres per second.

The biggest problem with using turf in flow areas is that until establishment, it can shear away. Traditionally this was solved by using turf combined with netting and pegs, or turf secured with wire pegs. Both netting and wire pegs can be dangerous hazards to foot traffic, and they are both expensive methods. New E-Staple biodegradable pegs, which have been designed to grip into the ground are proving to be far superior, lower cost and safer.

Tests in the USA showed that the 150mm E-Staple took 12 times the force to remove compared to a round top 150mm steel staple, and more than 4 times that of regular 150mm steel staples.

Testing method

Now that there are such strong biodegradable staples, it was decided to test which would fail first, the staple or the turf. It was also decided to test what force is require to pull 6 x 150mm and in another test 6 x 100mm staples from the ground, pegged through Nara™ Native Turf and regular Wintergreen Couch turf.

All rolls were of good quality. A bamboo stake was secured to wire, and a weighing device attached. 10 separate measurements were taken for…read more








Maintaining your Empire™ Zoysia lawn in Queensland

Maintaining your Empire™ Zoysia lawn in Queensland

Empire Zoysia Maintenance

Maintaining your Empire™ Zoysia lawn in Queensland is easy. Just mow regularly (although this still means 25 to 50% less than other lawns). Empire™ Zoysia isn’t fussy when it comes to mowing height. Just mow it taller in the shade, say around 50mm. Make sure you fertilise every Autumn, and preferably in Spring as well. Use a slow release fertiliser.

Even though it’s less likely you’ll have lawn grub problems with your Empire™ Zoysia lawn, it is still possible. If it does happen apply treatment quickly. It’s underground runners will make sure it recovers well.

Usually, Your neighbour’s Buffalo and Couch lawns will be attacked first, so keep an eye out for damage on their lawns. Empire™ Zoysia is good at outcompeting weeds, but even better, most grass weeds can be sprayed out without hurting the lawn. The same cannot be said for many other lawn types. Aerate if your lawn is compacted, and top dress if your lawn is uneven. That’s pretty much it. It’s easy to look after Empire™ Zoysia.

Click here for Your Recipe To Maintain Empire™ Zoysia

Get The Green Edge With Nara Native Turf

Get The Green Edge With Nara Native Turf

It’s hard to believe that the girl shown here kicking her soccer ball in the backyard is playing on a locally developed Australian turf grass. This lush, green lawn is Nara™, a form of Zoysia macrantha. It was bred in Australia to cope with local conditions.

Girl Kicking A Soccer Ball on Grass

As well as coping with the hot dry summers, Nara™ is a lawn grass for garden owners who don’t have time to lavish on lawn care. Given a minimum amount of fertiliser, Nara™ survives and remains green without needing constant mowing. With a more frequent fertiliser regime and regular water, it becomes greener and lusher.

Nara™ has resistance to most lawn diseases and its strong, dense growth helps keep it weed free. If it does develop a problem, products used to treat pests, diseases and weeds in couch can be used safely on Nara™.
Nara is one of a couple of Zoysia turf grasses finding favour in Australia. Another variety is Empire, a form of the closely related Zoysia japonica.

Versatile lawn
According to Todd Layt from Ozbreed who bred Nara™, it responds well to different levels of care. “Nara™ really is versatile,” says Todd. “It grows in most areas in half shade or full sun, with drought or wet conditions and can be mowed short or long. ” “Indeed we find it requires less frequent mowing than most of the traditional lawn varieties, particularly through summer,” he adds.

Fertiliser regime
The key to managing the variety lies in how much…read more